Reproductive Partners Medical Group was awarded a Mayor’s Commendation at its September 1st City Council Meeting. The commendation, presented to Drs. David Meldrum, Arthur Wisot and Bill Yee by Mayor Michael Gin and City Councilman Steven Diels cited recognition of the practice “giving hope to many couples in our South Bay Community.”
Also attending was Councilman Diels’ wife, Elizabeth, and their eight-month-old son, Luke. In his remarks, Mayor Gin cited the fact that Reproductive Partners has been helping South Bay couples, like the Diels, achieve the dream of completing their family for over 24 years in their Redondo Beach location. The group has expanded to now include offices in Beverly Hills, Westminster and La Jolla.
The physicians at Reproductive Partners are responsible for over ten thousand births resulting from assisted reproductive technology. They offer comprehensive evaluation and practical treatment of all aspects of infertility care. Reproductive Partners is nationally recognized for their pioneering work in helping infertile couples.