Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Embryo Donation Works

An email I recently received from a patient demonstrates how embryos created from successful IVF cycles that have been sitting in our facility for years can help create families for other unsuccessful patients.

The email was from a couple who had tried multiple IVF cycles without success and although she was relatively young we were never able to achieve success. Although we tested everything, we never found a reason for the repeated failures. This added to the frustration of the repeated failures.

On the other hand I had a couple who tried IVF because of secondary infertility and at the same time was struggling with the problem of what to do with a number of frozen embryos they had in storage. For ethical reasons they did not want to discard them and did not want more children. I brought up the concept of embryo donation and this option appealed to them especially since the recipient couple was planning to move out of the area.

Needless to say, the transfer was successful and all parties are thrilled. The previously unsuccessful couple has the child they had been longing for. The couple with the extra embryos are happy their disposition of their embryos resulted in them achieving their potential for life and that they got to give something back in return for their good fortune. And I am happy that I was able to help both couples.

Embryo donation works. I only wish more couples with unwanted frozen embryos sitting in freezers throughout the country would consider this option.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Southern California Fertility Center

Credits –

This information is provided by Arthur L. Wisot, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., one of the team of outstanding fertility doctors at the Southern California fertility center, Reproductive Partners Medical Group. For more information on IVF and the many available infertility treatments please visit

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