Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Time IUI without Meds or Ultrasound

Excerpt from the 03-12-09 Reproductive Partners Medical Group Bulletin Board

Q. I am 36 yrs old and my husband and I are going in for our first IUI in a matter of days after discovering that our fertility problems were related to his low motility. Being that this is my first time, I have been doing some of my own research so as to try to make it happen! My doctor's office does not use ultrasound to detect and I am not using any fertility meds. So, given that, I have some questions...I want to know how long my husband should abstain from ejaculation before going in with his specimen - is it about 3-5 days? What's best?

A. We usually recommend a 2-4 day interval. A shorter interval helps motility so I usually recommend on the short side when motility is the issue.

Q. Most importantly, I want to know when I should be going in for the IUI - I am only using ovulation strips to detect my LH surge and my doctor's office says to come in the day of the surge, however I have been reading that maybe it is best to come in the day AFTER the surge??? What would you recommend if there is no ultrasound to detect the follicle and it is all natural - no meds?

A. Since the surge occurs 36-44 hours before ovulation we feel the next day makes to most sense.

Q. And using the OPK, can you test first thing in the morning, even if the directions say to wait??

A. The early morning is not the best. We recommend midday to afternoon since most surges occur in the late morning.

Q. Also, how long does the sperm last when washed? Does it have the same lifespan as it would without or is it shorter?

A. Actually often longer. We can see good motility in some men 48 hours later.

Q. Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions! I appreciate your help to time things as close as possible...My doctors office also only does one treatment vs. a 2nd day follow up, so I want to time it the best I can!!!

A. Good luck.

Arthur L. Wisot, M. D.
Reproductive Partners Medical Group, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California

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